We, our office, will provide a legal consultation on issues related to Hague Convention.
Hague Convention prescribes that a child should be returned promptly to the country of his/her habitual residence, when the child is wrongfully removed across national boundaries on the occasion of parents’ divorce or other reasons.
On or after April in 2014, if you take your child to Japan across a national boundary without the consent of your partner who has custody, your partner may submit a petition for the return of the child, based on Hague Convention.
In the case of the petition for the return of the child, application procedure must be done promptly (the average duration of deliberation will be six weeks since the petition). Therefore, it is important for you to make an exact claim and provide a proof of the child custody, cooperating with the lawyer.
The court may not order the return of the child, if there are grounds for refusal, indicated in 1 to 6 as follows:
- The petition is filed to the court after a period of more than one year has elapsed from the date of wrongful removal or retention, and the child is now settled in a new environment.
- The applicant was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of removal or retention.
- The applicant has consented to or subsequently acquiesced in the removal or retention.
- There is a grave risk that the return of child would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place child in an intolerable situation.
- The child objects to being returned and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which it is appropriate to take account of its views.
- It is not permitted by the fundamental principles of Japan relating to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
If you feel afraid of being claimed of the return of the child, you need to prepare to correspond promptly when you are claimed.
Also, if you have already claimed of the return of the child, you must correspondent promptly to prevent the child from being taken back to his/her habitual residence.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us. The sooner is the better.
The first consultation fee is free for women.
Please make an appointment by telephone or e-mail.
- 連れ去りの時又は留置の開始の時から1年を経過した後に裁判所に申立てがされ,子が新たな環境に適応している場合
- 申立人が連れ去りの時又は留置の開始の時に現実に監護の権利を行使していなかった場合
- 申立人が連れ去りの前又は留置の開始の前に同意し,又は連れ去りの後又は留置の開始の後に承諾した場合
- 常居所地国に子を返還することによって,子の心身に害悪を及ぼすこと,その他子を耐え難い状況に置くこととなる重大な危険がある場合
- 子の年齢及び発達の程度に照らして子の意見を考慮することが適当である場合において,子が常居所地国に返還されることを拒んでいる場合
- 常居所地国に子を返還することが日本国における人権及び基本的自由の保護に関する基本原則により認められない場合